No! He lies!
First things first!
You need to forward the right ports.
This is where a lot of people get stuck.
Basically you type in into you're web browser.
Now it'll ask you for a password and a username.
This should still be the default.
Now you have to do some digging to find it. will help you so long as you know the model of your router.
If you don't, then do some google-ing or try random generic password combinations.
Mine was: Username: admin Password: admin
Once you forward the correct UDP ports, (That's right, you need two of them, one right after the other. Ie. 28763 & 28764 || 22222 & 22223) then you're ready to make the server work.
If you go into the assaultcube directory and execute ac_server it will load up and work (Assuming that you went with 28763 & 28764).
However it'll be a lame, generic, nameless, 6 person server.
In: ~/AssaultCube_v1.0.4/config/ there should be a file named servercmdline.txt. This is what the server looks at as it starts up. You can put all your confangled start up stuff in here.
Here's an example to get you started.
-o \f3TnG\f4Clan\ // Message of the day.
-D 5 // Demo recoding. Please leave it at 5. For everyones sake.
-n \f4|\f3TnG\f4|\f5Sephiroth. //Server name.
-c 12 // This is your max clients.
-f 28773 // Replace this with the lower of your two ports.
-k -1 // Auto kick.
-y -2 // Auto ban.
-r config/maprot.cfg //Map rotation file. DON'T PUT NOOB MAPS IN HERE! YOU'LL LOOSE YOUR SERVER.
-x CHEESE! //Your admin password.
-X config/serverpwd.txt // Multiple admin passwords in here. Much better.
Good luck.